Hi everyone! One of the most common questions we get asked (those of us making pretty good money online) is, ?If you had to start over from scratch, what would you do??
It?s primarily the newbies who want to know this ? or those who have been trying without success for quite awhile and can?t be classified as newbies anymore.
So I wanted to share my exact blueprint of what I would do if I logged on today and didn?t know how to navigate the world of Internet Marketing.
Mindset First
Before we can DO, we have to BELIEVE. And I don?t mean wishful thinking and crossing fingers and all that jazz. I mean, you can?t go into this with a failure?s mindset. I did that the first time around.
I wasn?t good enough or smart enough or knowledgeable enough to compete with the big guys, so it took me six years to gain the confidence I needed to actually succeed.
I don?t care what you have to do ? look at yourself in the mirror and recite the motto from The Help:

I don?t care if you download a positive affirmations app or stick a sticky note on your forehead that says, ?I can DO it!?
But let me explain this clearly ? if you go into this business with a mealy mouthed, timid, self defeating, wimpy mindset ? You. Will. Fail.
Or at the very least it?ll take you years to succeed, and then you?ll be kicking yourself for not listening to me in the first place.
Confidence is also attractive ? not just in the dating scene, but in business, too. No one wants to trust someone who can?t even trust themselves! So even if you have to take a deep breath and project confidence for 1-2 hours a day while you work, DO it.
Forget About BIBs
When I first started trying to break out of my ghostwriting role and into Internet Marketing, I was on the hunt for a good Business in a Box. Something I could pay for, download, open like a Christmas gift, and push a button to launch.
Not only does nothing work like that, but I look back and think, ?Thank God it didn?t work like that!? There?s no FUN in a BIB!
I like to picture myself as some crazy woman in a frayed smock with mud and paint flying all over the place. I?m an artist! I create the business I want based on what I want it to look like ? on what I think is wonderful.

Doesn?t she look like she?s having fun? She is. She?s not freaking out about a mess or colors mixing up. She?s just free and doing what she wants to do and enjoying it.
I might not have a straight line from point A to point B in my business. Hell, I might squiggle all over the map. Sometimes my line might abruptly end if I toss a business model aside. But it?s MY journey and there IS no right or wrong. It just is what it is.
Part of what is going to help you become an awesome business person online is that you will go through your process with some successes and some failures. You?ll know what works and what doesn?t. You?ll have the courage to tweak and Frankenstein it to your own.
That?s what leaders are made of ? courage to fall, but strength to get back up again.
Marvel at Your Options
Once I had the right mindset and realized I was about to create a brand new business model based on my own tastes and preferences, I would see what all I have available to me out there ? create my paint pallet, if you will.

There would be more than 1. I wouldn?t start with one business model. I would start with at LEAST two, probably even 3-4.
?But that would be overwhelming!? some will say. No more so than one business model to me. You don?t go plant a garden with one vegetable. You plant rows of different things. Some will flop. Some will thrive.
I would personally do many things at once. Bite-sized chunks. You?ll get excited seeing success in some areas, feeling okay letting others go (that don?t sprout for you).
Imagine if you invested months into one business model and never saw any success. How depressing! But if you have 4 going and 2 out of 4 were succeeding, you?d still be excited.
Make Plans to Do Big Things
I would make plans ? not small plans ? BIG plans. Take over the world plans.
No niche leader is too big to knock off the mountain. Set your sights on him (or her). You don?t set out to climb Mount Everest and say, ?I?m just going up 10 feet.?
No way ? you have your sights set on that mountain peak, right? All or nothing, baby. That?s what you do in business. You decide right now that your goal is to DOMINATE. Think BIG!

This goes back into that whole mindset thing. But it also involves actual planning. Now as a newbie, you don?t know all the steps yet. That?s okay, too!
So what you need to do is, once you learn about the various business models and pick a few you want to try, find out what the best courses are to teach you those business models.
Ask people you trust. Don?t know who to trust? Ask a whole forum full of people for a recommendation and then ? and most importantly ? do some digging yourself.
If 35 people recommend me for teaching ghostwriting in Ghostwriting Cash, don?t just trust them! Go to my blog, read what I write, email me to see if I?m the real deal, and go to Google to see if I?m a scumbag.
And don?t plan to just learn from ONE person. Be a learning addict. If and when you can afford it, download several courses on the business model and take what you want from each one, leave what you don?t agree with.
Do as much learning for free as you can if money is an issue ? and then put aside a little bit to invest in products.
IMPLEMENT them as you learn them. No reading and nodding your head. DO. Get stuck? Great ? so does everybody else who has been before you. When you get stuck, you email the product owner. If he/she doesn?t respond, then you ask in a forum and this is only AFTER you go online and look for the answer yourself.
Pick a Niche ? Your Niche
When you go to pick your niche, forget all about who says what when it comes to niches. Seriously. Don?t go asking anyone about niche saturation (I don?t believe there?s such a thing).
Don?t worry about not being an expert. A leader simply learns and shares and is appreciated by others.
The most important thing when picking a niche is to enjoy it. So don?t go into acne just because it?s a common health problem if you don?t enjoy talking about all things acne related. Don?t go into green funerals just because it?s trendy if blogging about death will make you depressed (lesson learned).
Do you have to know about the niche already? Nope.
If it?s something you?ve always wanted to learn about ? then making a business from it is thrilling ? and tax deductible (get your CPA?s advice, but many of the things you do and tools you buy to blog about in the niche can serve as write offs).
You?re going into this to make money, yes. But you are about to earn freedom ? so choose a niche that you?ll have fun in every day and wake up wanting to blog about.

And yes, that can be health. If you suffer from gout and you want to help other gout sufferers, then that can be rewarding. Making those connections with a community of like-minded people is FUN! Even if it?s a health topic.
Get Started and Tweak as You Go
If you have any pipe dreams about never making any mistakes ? or changes to your business, please clear your head of that misconception before you pursue this career.
It?s a FACT that you?ll flop here and there. It?s also a FACT that you?re going to change your mind.
Give yourself permission to do away with business models, niches, domains, and content that just doesn?t curl your toes.
No guilt.
No trashing yourself for being a quitter.
It?s called being the BOSS and making smart cuts wherever necessary and warranted. Now keep in mind that there?s a fine line between cutting out something that?s not suitable for you and literally quitting because you?re not focused or you?re too scared.
Really evaluate the reason before you whip out the machete and give something a whack.
Just keep giving to your niche. ?Come to the table ready to serve,? says my mentor. Learn it and live it.
Then gain more knowledge and grow as a leader. If you?re trying to be a leader and you don?t believe in continuing your own learning process, then just expect someone to overpower you easily ? because there will be someone out there who will be willing to go the extra mile.

Oh and by the way ? there is no specific ?start here? square on the board of the Internet Marketing game.
Everyone?s going to start in a different place. You might start by picking which products you want to promote, or writing a bunch of articles. I might start by installing my blog and getting graphics done.
So if you?re looking for a step 1, step 2, step 3 scenario ? quit looking. Just get going and you can rewind and fast forward all over the place. You have the freedom to do that.
Lucky you.
Enjoy the journey. The messy, rollercoaster, breathtaking journey of carving out a one of a kind business that no one else in this universe will have but you.
Source: http://www.tiffanydow.com/blog/a-newbies-guide-to-launching-an-internet-marketing-business-in-2013/
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