Saturday, February 18, 2012

Anti-candida, whole foods, sugar-free, vegan Wellness Weekend ...

Howdy, Wellness Weekenders!

Hope you all had a lovely Valentine?s Day, whether you celebrated in a romantic fashion or not.? The HH, The Girls and I stuck close to home this year and had a lovely meal that we cooked together (well, that the HH and I cooked together?The Girls aren?t allowed near a hot stove, of course).?

There were also?so many amazing V-Day themed entries to the event last week, I was blown away. And?the number of entries reached a new high of 40?that?s 40 healthy, vegan, whole foods?recipes for you to try out?yippee! ?Thanks so much, all!

Newsy Tidbits

I?ve decided to add a??Newsy Tidbits? section at the beginning of each WW?post, whenever there?s something to report (seems I?ve always got lots to say on Thursdays!).? Here?s what?s up for this week:

And now, on to this week?s favorites. Let?s extend the Valentine?s Day love with the theme of??good for the heart?:

  • Creamy Asparagus and Walnut Soup from Cara?s Cravings. Cara already knows that walnuts are good for your heart, which is why she put them in this drool-worthy soup for her Love Your Heart event!
  • Coconut Curry Pepita Granola from Blissful Bites blog. Did you know that coconut is actually good for your heart? And of course pepitas (pumpkin seeds) contain heart-healthy fats while oats help to lower ?bad? cholesterol levels.
  • Chocolate Pomegranate Mini Sponge Cakes from Veggie V?s Vegan Adventure.? With antioxidant-rich pomegranates AND cocoa, these sweet treats are a perfect heart-healthy indulgence.

And this week?s Readers? Choices:

Readers? Choice, Savory: Gluten Free Pull-Apart Dinner Rolls from Hobby and More.? I can?t wait until I can eat these!

Readers? Choice, Sweet: Magic Coconut Bars from Simply Healthy Living. Who doesn?t remember these from our childhood? A great new twist on a classic!

Thank you to every one of you who played along by submitting your recipes! I love seeing what you all make each week. I always look forward to seeing what you?ll come up with!

Please join us for Wellness Weekend this weekend! There are so many options for healthy foods. . . whether or not you?re vegan, remember that many salads, veggie side dishes, pasta dishes, desserts, smoothies, and more are naturally vegan and can all be included! :)

Here?s How to Participate?PLEASE NOTE NEW GUIDELINES!!

The event occurs once a week, starting Thursdays at 8:00 PM my time and running until Monday at midnight.

  1. Simply link up a recipe you made (and posted about) that contains health-supporting ingredients (see list below). You may link up older posts from your archives as long as they contain a link to this post. Please do not link more than once to the same page from your blog.
  2. Please link the post with your recipe, NOT your blog?s home page or another event page. The post must contain a recipe.
  3. You may submit more than one recipe, but please follow the guidelines for each one individually. ONLY ONE THUMBNAIL FROM EACH BLOG POST, PLEASE.
  4. Please be sure to mention this event and include a link back to this post so that others can find all the recipes posted!
  5. Feel free to use the blog badge, above (or see the left sidebar of this page?if you need the html code, let me know and I?ll send it to you). Many thanks to Adrienne of Whole New Mom for setting up the badge code for me!
  6. As always, I hate to remove links, but will do so if they don?t comply with the guidelines. I will try to email you to let you know, but I can?t always do so?if you?re wondering why your post was removed, you can email me, or read the last section below.

What your recipe CAN contain:

  • Any good-for-you, whole foods, especially those with antioxidant properties or ?functional foods? (ie, offering naturally medicinal or health-promoting qualities?such as garlic, coconut oil, all vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc.)?but any fresh, real food is welcome!
  • Natural sweeteners (coconut sugar, agave, brown rice syrup, maple syrup, stevia, Sucanat, rapadura, coconut nectar, yacon syrup, etc.)
  • Vegan ingredients (even if you?re not vegan, OF COURSE you can still play along! You?ll be surprised at how many foods are naturally vegan; and if not, there are many subs you can use for eggs, milk or butter?include vegan options and we?re good to go!).
  • Note that this is NOT AN ACD-ONLY EVENT. Any real food ingredients that are sugar-free and vegan are more than welcome?so use that maple syrup, those mushrooms, that nutritional yeast, miso, etc! I?m just looking for healthy, whole foods recipes. :)

What your recipe cannot contain:

  • White flour, white sugar, or any highly refined, highly processed ingredients (note that regular brown sugar is actually refined!);
  • Anything almost entirely artificial (ie, most boxed mixes, fast food, faux ?cheese,? faux ?meat,? or margarine, unnaturally colored cereals or other foods, etc.);
  • Animal products (meat, chicken, fish or seafood, or their by-products, gelatin, eggs, dairy, butter or honey).

?Hey! Why was my entry removed??

I will reluctantly remove any links that don?t comply. I apologize, but I will no longer be able to leave a comment telling you that I?ve removed a non-compliant link.




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