Employees of interest clone
Pinspire are alledgedly altering the personal accounts of users by deleting, hiding and removing pins, 'likes', comments, re-pins and also 'pinpoints', the system on which they base giveaways and contests. In addition TechCrunch has found evidence of people with Pinspire email addresses astro-turfing blogs asking for coverage in return for cash payments and gifts of iPads. We've reached out to Rocket Internet, the Berlin-based incubator run by the Samwer brothers for comment, but at the time of going to press there was no response forthcoming. Today 70 staff have
allegedly been cut from the company, with a with ten-person skeleton team left behind to pick up the pieces. The Samwers have a noted aversion to social networks, preferring to stick to ecommerce. Could this be the end of their flirtation with Pinterest? It may well be.
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